Advancing Sorority Together

collaborate: to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor

NPC Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting
Not everyone believes in true collaboration but NPC and I know that the only way we are going to preserve and improve sorority is if everyone does their part and does it well. I had the opportunity to work with the NPC Long-Range Planning Committee this past weekend and the strategic thinking that took place was inspiring. Thoughtful discussion on what NPC can “own” and how we go about collaborating with others to achieve our mission were just a few of the conversations around the table.

 I have recently been questioned about the need for NPC and umbrella groups, in general, and my instant reaction is always "of course we are needed and relevant" and my thoughts were reaffirmed this weekend. NPC has no agenda that doesn't further the constituents we serve - NPC member sororities, College Panhellenics and Alumnae Panhellenics. We are a nonprofit organization, so we don't have a hidden agenda of making money or pushing our own initiatives. Our agenda is your agenda. We are in it with the belief that a rising tide raises all boats and that we can assist in raising that tide. We are a service-oriented organization with the best interests of our members at heart, and we believe that can best be achieved through collaboration with the member groups and Panhellenics. Interesting things are on the horizon for NPC, and I hope that when you are called on to help you will answer the call. I said it in October of 2011 when I took on the chairmanship and it still rings true – it’s our potential, but it's your move.

Tri-City Panhellenic Luncheon

I was delighted to be the guest speaker at the Tri-City Panhellenic luncheon on Saturday, February 9. I joined about 115 Panhellenic women from the Tampa, St. Pete and Clearwater areas in Florida. These three Alumnae Panhellenics join together each year to celebrate sorority. This year, the Tampa Alumnae Panhellenic hosted the event, and I had the pleasure of seeing past NPC delegation member Karly Burns from Delta Zeta. Thanks to everyone who made the event at success!


It’s February – time to think of past loves, new loves and your own heart.

Heart disease is the number one killer for women in the United States – a stark fact and that could lead one to avoid checking on heart health. While there are risk factors you cannot change, such as family history, there are many you can control.

How many times have we skipped a walk outside and around the office because we feel 15 more minutes at the desk will get us home sooner? Being sedentary is something we can change in short order.

February, for our network of sorority women, is a good time to take stock. While we’re often busy taking care of others, we can easily neglect ourselves. Take a heartbeat second to please check in during American Heart Month and see what you might need to know.

Why do we need to remain vigilant about our hearts?

According to the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, this is a disease that is less understood in women, leading to misdiagnoses and delayed treatment. Roughly, only a quarter of the research published in major U.S. internal medicine and cardiology journals report gender-specific outcomes – leaving women at a loss for reliable medical information.

Women frequently ignore symptoms or believe that nothing is critically wrong when they suffer general issues of “fatigue,” for example.

Some warning signs that should be on your radar screen (and shared with sorority sisters, friends, colleagues and family members):

  • Discomfort, tightness, uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes, or comes and goes
  • Crushing chest pain
  • Pressure or pain that spreads to the shoulders, neck, upper back, jaw, or arms.
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Clammy sweats, heart flutters, or paleness
  • Unexplained feelings of anxiety, fatigue or weakness - especially with exertion
  • Stomach or abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
Celebrate the month with a heart assessment as you send out your special Valentine’s to loved ones near and far. And here’s a free banner you can use on your website or blog from The Heart Truth, a project of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.

You won’t regret taking the moment to be better informed.